Silver Fire (Guardians, #2)

Silver Fire - Victoria Paige 3.5 Cliche Stars
I enjoyed all the action and romance in this story. Also how the MC's from the first book [b:Fire and Ice|17841292|Fire and Ice|Victoria Paige||24495611] where incorporated in this story.
Derek Longwood was the classic alpha male/caveman millionaire w/Special Forces training.
Sophie Leroux, is a the nerd that is new to relationship due to a tragic pastShe appeared to be strong and resilient with a shyness around men. But when outside forces want the research she has been working on she becomes the damsel in distress.(Eye Rolling)
She requests security for protection but won't follow their lead and continually puts her and her friends in harms way. She suppose to be a Nuclear Physicist but can't figure out why ppl are out to get her/find her.
Overall I love how Derek and Sophie come together and how they work past her fears and his fear of commitment.
I hope the next book in this series is of Victor and Marissa. Would've nice to find out about Victor's kinks.